Adam Grabois, Director
June 1, 2025 – June 8, 2025
The Young Artist Seminar is an intensive, one-week program dedicated to the study of the chamber music repertoire. Open to college and pre-professional students, YAS is committed to offering an experience with the most meaningful artistic and educational benefit possible, and one squarely in line with Kinhaven’s core values. In this spirit, Kinhaven has renewed its commitment to making the Young Artist Seminar tuition-free in 2025. Student fellowships will cover the cost of tuition, housing in cabins on our beautiful 31-acre campus, and delicious meals prepared by our wonderful cooks. The faculty will consist of the finest coaches, many drawn from the rosters of Kinhaven’s Senior Session.
The Program
Over the course of the week at Kinhaven, each chamber group learns, rehearses and performs one complete work and receives daily coachings from our faculty. Other musical activities may include master classes and studio classes as well as opportunities for singing and organized discussions on musical topics. Performances take place in a variety of venues ranging from house concerts to larger halls in and around southern Vermont. Students who attend the program are wonderful ambassadors for chamber music and for Kinhaven’s founding principles — community, rigor and joy in music-making — and we are eager to share these with our friends and neighbors.

The Roster
This season, we will be accepting 30-40 students to the program. Pre-formed groups are preferred, although applications from individual musicians will be considered.
Housing and Food
Kinhaven has camp facilities consisting of communal cabins with bunk beds and shared bathrooms. There is electricity in all cabins. The Common Room in the Main House will be available during the day and in the evening for reading, visiting and relaxing in front of the fireplace.
Meals will be provided from dinner on Sunday to breakfast the following Sunday. The Kinhaven kitchen is famous for its homemade fare—fresh, nutritious and delicious. Vegetarian and vegan meals will be available.
For 2025, all students attending the Kinhaven Young Artist Seminar will do so tuition-free. Any costs associated with transportation to and from campus are the responsibility of students.
Learn More
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Open to college and pre-professional students who have completed at least one year of college or the equivalent.
Students will be permitted to attend the Young Artist Seminar for a maximum of two seasons.
Audition Requirements
Prepare two movements which demonstrate contrast in style and technique. Movements should be played in their entirety. Selections may be taken from a live performance or prepared in a home or studio setting.
Auditions are to be recorded and submitted without editing. If you have any questions about acceptable formats, please write to us. We may request a follow-up on Zoom.
Group Auditions
The audition requirements (repertoire and guidelines) for Groups and Individuals are the same. Groups must submit group videos or contact us to make other arrangements.
How to Apply
To submit an application, click the “Apply” button below.
Apply Online for Summer 2025Please use sharable LINKS to your audition videos.
January 26, 2025: Applications due
March 1, 2025: Applicants will be notified