Where are Kinhaven and Burr and Burton Academy?
Kinhaven is located in Weston, VT on a 31-acre campus. Burr and Burton Academy is close by and situated at the foot of Mt. Equinox and overlooking picturesque Manchester Village.
What is the daily schedule?
Students live on Kinhaven campus and, after breakfast each day during the week, travel by bus to BBA from 9am – 1pm for academic coursework. Students spend the rest of each day at Kinhaven engaged in musical activities; weekends are spent with guest artists, master classes, and concerts around Southern VT.
What musical activities will I be involved in?
Chamber music, private lessons, solo and ensemble coaching, master classes, and weekly concerts.
Will I have access to technology?
There is WiFi on campus at Kinhaven and at BBA. Students are encouraged to bring laptops. Phones may be used at select times on campus.
What are the dorms like?
Kinhaven has three buildings that will be utilized for dormitories – they are the original Kinhaven structures that have been winterized, but they are rustic Vermont structures. Students will dorm in double occupancy rooms with dorm faculty close by.
What are weekends like?
In the Kinhaven tradition, students and faculty will engage in weekly chamber music concerts around VT. Guest artists will oftentimes visit on weekends for master classes and concert series, as well. A few community social events will be scheduled with our friends at BBA.
Will this program help prepare me for college?
Between the rigorous music-making, high level academics, and uniqueness of our program, we will help you distinguish yourself from other college applicants both musically and socially.

Student Support
What academic courses can I take?
Students will be matched with a BBA guidance counselor who will work with counselors from the students’ sending school to choose available courses that will transfer appropriately. The full BBA course catalog can be found here: https://www.burrburton.org/academics/academics-and-course-of-study
Can family visit?
Family is welcome to visit almost any day of the week, and especially during concerts each weekend.
How do you stay in touch with families during the semester?
Our campus director and faculty, combined with a counselor from BBA, will send frequent updates via email, newsletter, and phone each semester. Students will have access to email all day long and their phones at designated times.

How many students will be enrolled?
16 students will be accepted to the semester program for Fall 2025.
What are the dates of the Fall semester program?
August 25, 2025 through December 19, 2025

Request Information
To express interest in our inaugural Fall 2025 Semester Program, please complete our form or email us at admin@kinhaven.org

To find out more about admissions requirements and important dates, visit our Admissions page.